Source code for useful_inkleby.decorators.base

Created on Jul 25, 2016

@author: Alex
import six
from inspect import isfunction

[docs]class DecortorMeta(type): def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): """ only apply decorator to non abstract models """ abstract = dct.pop("abstract", None) cls = super(DecortorMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, dct) if cls.allow_bare() == False or abstract: return cls else: return cls() # if no args, return an instance immediately
[docs]class GenericDecorator(six.with_metaclass(DecortorMeta)): """ tidies up shell game of decorators. arguments passed to the decorator at creation end up as self.args and self.kwargs. kwargs are also added to self. if args_map is populated - will also add those to self args_map = ("foo",) populates with args[0] if there is no args_map can be used bare (without initalisation) default_kwargs sets the default value of any kwargs that might be passed in (also added to self) override self.gateway if it's a choice between using this function and a different one overide self.arg_decorator to adjust arguments being passed in expects self, function, then delivers any args and kwargs passed to the function """ args_map = [] default_kwargs = {} abstract = True # disappears for children, def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ grabs the function and all arguments being passed to it """ func = args[0] """ if this can be used bare (but isn't) - reinit with the correct defaults """ if isfunction(func) == False or kwargs: return self.__class__(*args, **kwargs) # this is a bare class that's already been used, create new child if return self.__class__()(func) self.function = func = func.__name__ def inner(*args, **kwargs): self.function_args = args self.function_kwargs = kwargs return self.gateway() inner.__name__ = new_inner = self.post_creation(inner) if new_inner: return new_inner else: return inner
[docs] @classmethod def allow_bare(cls): """ can this decorator be used without initialisation? only if no args_map - or all values in args_map are already provided by default_kwargs """ if cls.args_map: non_default = [ x for x in cls.args_map if x not in cls.default_kwargs] if non_default: return False else: return True else: return True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ uses the args_map and kwargs to load details in """ self.args = args = "" self.kwargs = {} if self.__class__.default_kwargs: self.kwargs = dict(self.__class__.default_kwargs) self.kwargs.update(kwargs) self.__dict__.update(self.kwargs) for x, a in enumerate(self.__class__.args_map): try: setattr(self, a, args[x]) except IndexError: if a in self.kwargs: continue else: raise ValueError("Value {0} not provided".format(a))
[docs] def gateway(self): """ override if this is a "return this or something else" decorator Use super or call self.raw_decorator() to proceed """ return self.raw_decorator()
[docs] def raw_decorator(self): """ accesses properties passed to decorator through self reference """ obj = self.arg_decorator( self.function, *self.function_args, **self.function_kwargs) nobj = self.post_run(obj) # post-run may or may not return an new version of the object if nobj: return nobj else: return obj
[docs] def arg_decorator(self, function, *args, **kwargs): """" accesses properties passed to decorated object through arguments """ return function(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def post_run(self, obj): """ passed self and the result of the function return final object when done """ return obj
[docs] def post_creation(self, obj): """ passed self and the created object return final object when done """ return obj