Source code for useful_inkleby.useful_django.serialisers.basic_json

Created on Aug 1, 2016

@author: Alex

from django.db import models
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from ..models import ApplyManagerMethodMeta
import json
import types
import six

    import cpickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

[docs]class BasicSerial(object): """ very basic recursive object serialiser """ allowed = [str, unicode, int, float] classes = {}
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls, obj): di = json.loads(obj) return cls.restore_object(di)
[docs] @classmethod def dumps(cls, obj): di = cls.convert_object(obj) return json.dumps(di)
[docs] @classmethod def convert_object(cls, obj): """ convert all objects to dictionaries - otherwise preserve structure """ if hasattr(obj, "to_json"): return obj.to_json() if obj == None: return obj for a in cls.allowed: if isinstance(obj, a): return obj if isinstance(obj, list): return [cls.convert_object(x) for x in obj] if isinstance(obj, dict): return {x: cls.convert_object(y) for x, y in obj.iteritems()} # all other objects """ if registered, store using a basic recursive dictionary approach (easier to edit) """ if obj.__class__.__name__ in cls.classes: return obj.serial_dumps() if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType) == False: return {"_type": obj.__class__.__name__, "_pickle": pickle.dumps(obj)}
[docs] @classmethod def restore_object(cls, obj): """ recreate objects bases on classes currently avaliable """ if obj == None: return obj for a in cls.allowed: if isinstance(obj, a): return obj if isinstance(obj, list): return [cls.restore_object(x) for x in obj] if isinstance(obj, dict): if "_type" in obj: t = obj["_type"] # restored registered classes if t in cls.classes and "_content" in obj: model = cls.classes[t] return model.serial_loads(obj) # restored pickled classes if "_pickle" in obj: # object restoration ins = pickle.loads(str(obj["_pickle"])) return ins else: # recursive dictionary restore return {x: cls.restore_object(y) for x, y in obj.iteritems()}
[docs]def register_for_serial(cls): """ decorator that registers a class so it can be converted into a json block -if a class isn't registered it will """ BasicSerial.classes[cls.__name__] = cls return cls
[docs]class SerialMeta(type): """ customise the metaclass to apply the serial registration decorator """ def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): """ only apply decorator to non abstract models """ cls = super(SerialMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, dct) return register_for_serial(cls)
[docs]class SerialMetaModel(ApplyManagerMethodMeta): """ customise the metaclass to apply the serial registration decorator to models """ def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): """ only apply decorator to non abstract models """ cls = super(SerialMetaModel, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, dct) return register_for_serial(cls)
[docs]class SerialBase(object): """ All classes are automatically registered with the serialising function. """
[docs] @classmethod def serial_loads(cls, obj): ins = cls.__new__(cls) ins.from_json(obj["_content"]) return ins
[docs] def from_json(self, values): """ can be overridden on individual classes """ self.__dict__.update({x: BasicSerial.restore_object(y) for x, y in values.iteritems()})
[docs] def serial_dumps(self): return {"_type": self.__class__.__name__, "_content": BasicSerial.convert_object(self.__dict__)}
[docs]class SerialObject(six.with_metaclass(SerialMeta, SerialBase)): pass
[docs]class SerialModel(six.with_metaclass(SerialMetaModel, models.Model, SerialBase)): pass
[docs] class Meta: abstract = True