Source code for useful_inkleby.useful_django.views.mixins

import codecs
import re
import string
from markdown import markdown

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

bracket_extract = re.compile(r"<.*?>(.*?)<\/.*?>")

[docs]class MarkDownView(object): """ allows for a basic view where a markdown files is read in and rendered Give the class a markdown_loc variable which is the filepath to the markdown files. use self.get_markdown() to retrieve markdown text. If using clean, it is avaliable as 'markdown' in the template. """ markdown_loc = ""
[docs] def get_markdown(self): f =, "rb", "cp1252") txt = md = markdown(txt, extensions=['markdown.extensions.tables']) lines = md.split("\n") final = [] for l in lines: if l[:2].lower() == "<h": contents =[0] contents = contents.replace(" ","-").lower() contents = u"".join([x for x in contents if x in string.ascii_lowercase + "-"]) final.append('<a name="{0}"></a>'.format(contents)) final.append(l) md = "\n".join(final) md = mark_safe(md) return md
[docs] def view(self,request): return {"markdown":self.get_markdown()}