Source code for useful_inkleby.useful_django.views.functional

Created on 26 Mar 2016

@author: alex

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http.response import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponseRedirect
from .exceptions import RedirectException

    from useful_inkleby.decorators import GenericDecorator
    from ..decorators import GenericDecorator

[docs]def handle_redirect(func): def inner(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except RedirectException as new_url: return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url) return inner
[docs]class FunctionalView(object): """ Very simple class-based view that simple expects the class to have a 'template' variable and a 'view' function that expects (self, request). Idea is to preserve cleanness of functional view logic but tidy up the most common operation. """ template = "" require_staff = False require_login = False login_test = staticmethod(lambda u: u.is_authenticated()) staff_test = staticmethod(lambda u: u.is_staff) view_decorators = []
[docs] @classmethod def as_view(cls, decorators=True, no_auth=False): """ if decorators is True - we apply any view_decorators listed for the class if no_auth = True, we bypass staff and user testing(useful for baking) """ def render_func(request, *args, **kwargs): view = cls() if no_auth == False: if cls.require_login and cls.login_test(request.user) == False: return view.access_denied_no_auth(request) if cls.require_staff and cls.staff_test(request.user) == False: return view.access_denied_no_staff(request) context = view._get_view_context(request, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(context, dict): context = view.extra_params(context) return view.context_to_html(request, context) else: # if we're returning a redirect view return context func = render_func func = handle_redirect(func) # allow RedirectException if decorators: for v in cls.view_decorators: func = v(func) return func
[docs] def access_denied_no_auth(self, request): """ override to provide a better response if someone needs to login """ return HttpResponse("No Access")
[docs] def access_denied_no_staff(self, request): """ override to provide a better response if someone needs to be staff """ return HttpResponse("No Access")
def _get_view_context(self, request, *args, **kwargs): context = self.view(request, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(context, dict): context = self.extra_params(context) return context
[docs] def extra_params(self, context): return context
[docs] def context_to_html(self, request, context): html = render(request, self.__class__.template, context=context ) return html
[docs] def view(self, request): return {}
[docs]class LogicalView(FunctionalView): """ Runs with class-based logic while trying to keep the guts exposed. request becomes self.request expects a 'logic' rather than a view function (no args). giving the class an 'args' list of strings tells it what to convert view arguments into. e.g. args = ['id_no'] - will create self.id_no from the view argument. if an arg is a tuple ('id_no','5') - will set a default value. Use prelogic and postlogic decorators to run functions before or afer logic. These accept an optional order paramter. Lower order have priority. Default order is 5. """ args = [] def __init__(self): self.record_new = False self.values = [] def __setattr__(self, key, value): if hasattr(self, "record_new") and self.record_new: self.values.append(key) super(FunctionalView, self).__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def view(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ override with something that returns a dictionary to use plain functional view logic """ self.request = request self.record_new = True # enable new value recording arg_mappings = [] """ assign any default values """ for a in self.__class__.args: if isinstance(a, tuple): setattr(self, a[0], a[1]) arg_mappings.append(a[0]) else: arg_mappings.append(a) """ assign other results """ for x, a in enumerate(args): try: arg_name = arg_mappings[x] except IndexError: raise ValueError("Mapping not assigned for {0}".format(a)) setattr(self, arg_name, a) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) prelogic = self._prelogic() if prelogic: return prelogic logic = self.logic() if logic: return logic postlogic = self._postlogic() if postlogic: return postlogic return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.values}
def _logic_processing(self, prefix): """ run all pre and post logic functions in order. """ def keying(v): if hasattr(v, "order"): return v.order else: return 5 def ga(k): return getattr(self, k) """ has a function had either a decorator or a name prefix assigned to it """ def passes_func_test(k): return hasattr( k, "_prefix") and k._prefix == prefix def passes_test(k): return prefix + "_" in k or passes_func_test(ga(k)) funcs = [k for k in dir(self) if passes_test(k)] funcs = [ga(k) for k in funcs] funcs.sort(key=lambda x: keying(x)) for f in funcs: r = f() if r: # if any value is returned, escalate return r def _prelogic(self): return self._logic_processing("prelogic") def _postlogic(self): return self._logic_processing("postlogic")
[docs] def logic(self): """ any new values assigned to self will be passed to the template self.value becomes value """ pass
class prelogic(GenericDecorator): """ decorates a function to run before the logic view accepts an order kwarg to manage competing functions """ prefix = "prelogic" default_kwargs = {"order": 5} def post_creation(self, obj): obj._prefix = self.__class__.prefix obj.order = self.order return obj class postlogic(GenericDecorator): """ decorates a function to run after the logic view accepts an order kwarg to manage competing functions """ prefix = "postlogic" default_kwargs = {"order": 5} def post_creation(self, obj): obj._prefix = self.__class__.prefix obj.order = self.order return obj