Source code for useful_inkleby.useful_django.views.bake

from django.core.handlers.base import BaseHandler
from django.test.client import RequestFactory

from django.conf import settings

import os
import io
from functional import LogicalView
from dirsync import sync
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

from url import AppUrl

    from htmlmin.minify import html_minify
[docs] def html_minify(x): return x
import six if six.PY2: from inspect import getargspec else: from inspect import signature
[docs]def bake_static(): """ syncs the static file location to the bake directory """ for d in settings.STATICFILES_DIRS: print "syncing {0}".format(d) sync(d, os.path.join(settings.BAKE_LOCATION, "static"), "sync")
[docs]class RequestMock(RequestFactory): """ Construct a generic request object to get results of view """
[docs] def request(self, **request): # request = RequestFactory.request(self, **request) handler = BaseHandler() handler.load_middleware() for middleware_method in handler._request_middleware: if middleware_method(request): raise Exception("Couldn't create request mock object - " "request middleware returned a response") return request
[docs]class BakeView(LogicalView): """ Extends functional view with baking functions. expects a bake_args() generator that returns a series of different sets of arguments to bake into files. expects a BAKE_LOCATION - in django settings render_to_file() - render all possible versions of this view. """ bake_path = ""
[docs] @classmethod def bake(cls, limit_query=None, **kwargs): """ render all versions of this view into a files """ print "baking {0}".format(cls.__name__) cls._prepare_bake() i = cls() func = i.bake_args if six.PY2: l = len(getargspec(i.bake_args).args) else: l = len(signature(i.bake_args).parameters) if l > 1: generator = i.bake_args(limit_query) else: generator = i.bake_args() for o in generator: if o == None: i.render_to_file(**kwargs) else: i.render_to_file(o, **kwargs)
@classmethod def _prepare_bake(self): """ class method - store modifications for the class for class - e.g. precache many objects for faster render """ pass def _get_bake_path(self, *args): """ override to have a more clever way of specifying the destination to write to uses class.bake_path is present, if not constructs from url of view """ if self.__class__.bake_path: if args: bake_path = self.__class__.bake_path.format(*args) else: bake_path = self.__class__.bake_path else: rev = reverse(self.__class__.url_name,args=args) bake_path = rev.replace("/","\\")[1:] if bake_path[-1] == "\\": bake_path += "index.html" else: bake_path += ".html" return os.path.join(settings.BAKE_LOCATION, bake_path)
[docs] def render_to_file(self, args=None, only_absent=False): """ renders this set of arguments to a files """ if args == None: args = [] file_path = self._get_bake_path(*args) if only_absent and os.path.isfile(file_path): return None print u"saving {0}".format(file_path) directory = os.path.dirname(file_path) if os.path.isdir(directory) == False: os.makedirs(directory) request = RequestMock().request() request.path = "/" + file_path.replace(settings.BAKE_LOCATION, "") request.path = request.path.replace( "\\", "/").replace("index.html", "").replace(".html", "") context = self._get_view_context(request, *args) if isinstance(context, HttpResponse): html = html_minify(context.content).replace( "<html><head></head><body>", "").replace("</body></html>", "") else: html = html_minify(self.context_to_html(request, context).content) with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(html)
[docs] @classmethod def write_file(cls, args, path, minimise=True): """ more multi-purpose writer - accepts path argument """ request = RequestMock().request() content = cls.as_view(decorators=False, no_auth=True)( request, *args).content if "<html" in content and minimise: content = html_minify(content) if type(content) == str: content = unicode(content, "utf-8", errors="ignore") print u"writing {0}".format(path) with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content)
[docs] def bake_args(self, limit_query): """ subclass with a generator that feeds all possible arguments into the view """ return [None]
[docs]class BaseBakeManager(object): """ Manager for bake command function Subclass as views.BakeManager to add more custom behaviour """ def __init__(self,views_module=None): if views_module: self.app_urls = AppUrl(views_module) else: self.app_urls = None
[docs] def create_bake_dir(self): if not os.path.exists(settings.BAKE_LOCATION): os.makedirs(settings.BAKE_LOCATION)
[docs] def get_static_destination(self): if hasattr(settings,"BAKE_STATIC_LOCATION"): return settings.BAKE_STATIC_LOCATION else: return os.path.join(settings.BAKE_LOCATION,"static")
[docs] def copy_static_files(self): for d in [settings.STATIC_ROOT]: dir_loc = self.get_static_destination() print "syncing {0}".format(d) if os.path.isdir(dir_loc) == False: os.makedirs(dir_loc) sync(d,dir_loc,"sync")
[docs] def amend_settings(self,**kwargs): for k,v in kwargs.iteritems(): if v.lower() == "true": rv = True elif v.lower() == "false": rv = False else: rv = v setattr(settings,k,rv)
[docs] def bake_app(self): self.app_urls.bake()
[docs] def bake(self,**kwargs): """ this is the main function """ if self.app_urls and self.app_urls.has_bakeable_views(): self.amend_settings(**kwargs) self.create_bake_dir() self.copy_static_files() self.bake_app()