Source code for useful_inkleby.useful_django.models.flexi


FlexiModel tidies up adding up methods to models and querysets.


import six
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase

[docs]class CustomRootManager(models.Manager): use_for_related_fields = True
[docs] def get_or_none(self, *args, **kwargs): try: x = self.get(*args, **kwargs) except self.model.DoesNotExist: x = None return x
[docs]def allow_floating_methods(cls): """ Decorator for models that allows functions to be transposed to querysets and managers can decorate models directly - or make a subclass of FlexiModel. """ class CustomQuerySet(models.QuerySet): pass """ Move flagged queryset methods to queryset """ for i in cls.__dict__.keys(): method = cls.__dict__[i] if hasattr(method, "_querysetmethod"): setattr(CustomQuerySet, i, method) class CustomManager(CustomRootManager): def get_queryset(self): return CustomQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db) """ Move flagged manager methods to manager """ for i in cls.__dict__.keys(): method = cls.__dict__[i] if hasattr(method, "_managermethod"): setattr(CustomManager, i, method) cls.add_to_class('objects', CustomManager()) try: cls._default_manager = cls.objects except AttributeError: pass # django 1.11 doesn't need this. return cls
[docs]class ApplyManagerMethodMeta(ModelBase): """ Customise the metaclass to apply a decorator that allows custom manager and queryset methods """ def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): """ only apply decorator to non abstract models """ is_abstract = False try: if dct['Meta'].abstract: is_abstract = True except KeyError: pass cls = super(ApplyManagerMethodMeta, cls).__new__( cls, name, parents, dct) if is_abstract: return cls else: return allow_floating_methods(cls)
[docs]class FlexiModel(six.with_metaclass(ApplyManagerMethodMeta, models.Model)): """ Class for models to inherit to receive correct metaclass that allows the floating decorators use instead of models.Model """
[docs] class Meta: abstract = True
[docs]def querysetmethod(func): """ Decorator for a model method to make it apply to the queryset. Will be accessible as model.objects.all().foo() "self" will then be the query object. """ func._querysetmethod = True return func
[docs]def managermethod(func): """ Decorator for a model method to make it a manager method instead. will be accessible as "self" will then be the manager object. self.model - can then be used to access model. self.get_queryset() - to get access to a query """ func._managermethod = True return func